Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Jul 4, 2016

Happy Independence Day! Independence Days Challenge

Happy Independence Day!-
Happy 4th of July! We had our family get together last night. When you have in-laws we share the holidays :)  We had Muffuletta sandwichs (easy to make ahead of time), watermelon, green salad (from daughter), drinks (from other daughter)  and my apple blueberry cobbler. I love making great, healthy, flavorful meals and watching others inhale them! If I had the $ to potentially lose I'd love to open a little cafe, just cook and stand back and watch others enjoy the meals. It was 95 degrees yesterday so we ate inside. About 85 today. We went and saw the new Independence Day Resurgence movie today, excellent! We cleaned cars, did yard work then went to the movie. Good choice. Here's to a relaxing day for you!!!

Independence Days Challenge-
Here's a small snippet, lucky we had a four day weekend!!!

1. Plant Something- We ripped out some invasive lamb's ear and an old yarrow. We replaced with a deep blueberry colored Echinacea and a reddish yarrow. Looks much better!  It was all overgrown and needed to be thinned. This is a strip next to our driveway dividing our lots and the neighbors. We've let it get a bit overgrown. Next weekend I'm pruning big time!!!

 2. Harvest Something- Lots of eggs, chives, basil, thyme, oregano, rosemary, marionberries, raspberries, still waiting on tomatoes and other veggies but we have lots! Flowers are doing great-

old Echinacea

Shasta daisies

My $5.00 geranium's huge and blooms constantly!

Peaches getting big! Apples and pears are coming along

3. Preserve/Store Something- Freezing breads, cheeses on sale. Canning will wait for the apple harvest. Will start pickling veggies soon. I may can dill pickles this year, haven't decided yet. Fermenting certainly is more sour.

4. Manage Reserves- Get a Good Deal/Barter/Stock Up/Prep- Dave got a new vacuum 40% off after our's died. Good timing. Had a $10.00 off $40.00 purchase at a local feed store. Bought 4 bags of bark dust, wild bird food, and the 2 new plants. 

5. Eat the Food- Try New Foods/Recipe- Using up more of my canned apple slices for cobblers.  Found a new strawberry cream pie recipe :) Saving that for next weekend.

6. Build Community Food Systems- Giving the kids eggs, will go to a farmer's market soon now that warm weather crops are coming in. Still buying local artisan breads at our local discount store.

7. Recycle/Re-Use- Made charity donations recently, with another bag to go. Giving chickens leftovers as usual.

8. Skill Up- Nothing off the top of my head.

9. Regenerate What is Lost/Salvage Something- Got some old blackberries re-growing better with more soil (winter erosion), water and fertilizer. They look great! Dave reseeded part of the yard in our turf after paint spilled during or painting the house :( 

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