Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Oct 17, 2015

Smoke-Filled Skies Again, Lessons Learned From My Tomatoes, Anya's New Throne, My Local Dinners

All photos from

Smoke-Filled Skies Again-
Sadly with the extreme dryness up in the mountain and hills, a hunter accidentally stared a fire last week. It was just outside Boise, and spread really fast.The news is reporting that alcohol may have been involved. GREAT. It was horrendous timing as most of the fire resources were spent or gone. Most of the summer firefighters weren't available and money was already spent in the terrible Soda fire, on of the largest in America. We've had terrible smoke here in Boise the last week, yesterday was "purple air quality". Really bad, think China :( Some people at work wearing dust masks inside the last 2 days, as we were all really congested, stuffy, and hacking. Several people went home Monday, while I was training in another building. Glad I missed that, as mine had better air filtration. I have asthma so I really feel for people with respiratory issues worse than mine. Good news- major rain is on the way! The fire is 60% contained, and about 8 square miles. Cooler this next week too. I postponed any major yard work with the smoke, but Dave got some done yesterday on his "vacation" day.

Fire just above the foothills, Boise below

Lessons Learned From My Tomatoes-
I've typically planted 2 long rows of tomatoes side by side, east to west. This year I really realized that was a BIG mistake. The ones in the back of the row didn't get as much sun as usual. Next year I will go to single rows, more spread out. Dave and I ripped out the monster yellow cherry tomato plant today, to get more sun in there, before the cold weather. We've had a nice supply so far, and I loved the heart-shaped one I picked 2 days ago above :)

After Dave and I harvested the yellow babies, yanked it up, and I trimmed the rest back, you can see some room!

Headed for salsa!

more room

and more tomatoes!

Yes, it's raining!!! YEAH!!!

You are disturbing the Empress

Anya's New Throne-
I promised Empress Anya that after I got my new job I would buy her a new throne, and I did :) I wanted purple (a royal color) but found this in pink and with leopard spots. She likes to look out, and sleep, by the dining room sliding glass doors. The bed floor is much thicker and the sides taller. Nice and cozy in cold weather. She using it already! Her old one was gray and much cheaper/thinner-

 Not adequate for an Empress! So I think she's set...

My Local Dinners-
Ah there's nothing like my own eggs as French-Baked eggs for dinner, with my fresh herbs! Add some Dave's K.B. rolls and mixed garden veggies, with a little cheese and it's all good!

My own lemon cukes, basil, and tomatoes!

There's no better way to eat...


Jennifer@MyFlagstaffHome said...

Love your tomato harvest! Thanks for sharing at My Flagstaff Home!


Unknown said...


Rose Prairie Quilts and Farm said...

Sorry to hear there is another fire near by. Really messes up your air. Your meal looked very yummy

Mama Pea said...

Ugh, fire is such a scary, scary thing . . . let alone the hazard to our lungs and health. Hoping they get it under control completely soon.

Your dishes of food always look so very appetizing. And knowing it's all nutritionally sound and grown by you . . . can't beat that!

You really need to take better care of your cat. Total neglect. One can see Anya is suffering from lack of attention and love. ;o}

Unknown said...

Thanks all! Yes, as you can see Anya is totally neglected and forlorn :)