Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Mar 11, 2015

Record Low Snow In The West Means???

Mt. Lassen, all photos from

Record Low Snow In The West Means???
Ironically, but not surprising, while the Mid-West and East coast have been slammed with record snow, the west has been suffering, again. We have had record low snowfall (and warm temps) here in the Boise area surrounding mountains and farther north. California has not fared well either. Listening to the news the snowfall for parts of the Sierra Nevada mountains that feeds to lots of California had 4 INCHES, NOT FEET, of snow. And it's March. This means a lot of things, from what I know, having lived there-

*If there aren't already serious water restrictions, there should be, and might be. Better buy a bunch of rain barrels.
*The agricultural economy will continue to suffer, with less crops being planted. That could spell higher food prices. Record prices?
*More fires, and a longer fire season. California is already prepping for fire season by hiring fire fighters. They are re-thinking what "fire season" means, as it may be 12 months a year.
*If California continues to have record droughts (and there's no reason to think that will change) what will happen to Nevada who relies on some of their water from there???

Watch the video on the National Geo link on water drillers. Now THAT'S SCARY. No regulations on how much water you can suck out, and wells running dry???


Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

With the issues at the west coast docks, and food not getting in, I do have concerns (as well as the water issues). I'm glad I have four rain barrels. They were worth the investment.

Susan said...

I think that everyone, no matter where they live, should have at least one rain barrel. The way things are going, water will be a scarce resource everywhere. I sure hope this doesn't mean more fires for you!

2 Tramps said...

Here in the high desert of Oregon, we are just at 7 percent of average for snowpack on the last measurement. It has been bone dry here until we had rain yesterday. That one day with some moisture has the weeds that were dying now growing literally overnight. With the early fire season we will be getting a jump on creating a good fire break around our home, pruning up juniper and cutting down weeds. And yes, we need to add a rain water system here.

Unknown said...

Especially if you grow food

Unknown said...

Me too :(

Unknown said...

Good idea

Michelle said...

We haven't had a winter here in California this year. We are in the 70's today. I have already put out plants since I have lettuce coming up from last year.

Unknown said...

We have also been very concerned for this winter. We've had record low snow and a very warm February and March.
Rain barrels were on the list this year anyway...

Dave said...

Mild here too, 61. I'll be getting atleast 1 more rain barrel. We have 1 55 gallon, should really have atleast 2...

Leigh said...

What I don't understand, is why, with all the problems the country is having with water, why so many places want to forbid or restrict rainwater collection. That makes no sense!

Unknown said...

Leigh I think it's all about putting the control of water into a very small set of hands. Power and $$$. Think "water wars"...

Unknown said...

We have had more then our fair share of snow this year. I wish I could send you some. Thanks for sharing on the (mis)Adventures Mondays Blog Hop!

Unknown said...
