Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Dec 29, 2014

Coal House At War Show, Chicken Wire Frame, Dark Days Challenge Meal

Coal House Families

Coal House At War Show-
I stumbled on to this gem of a "reality show" on PBS, and wow! It's about the very simple, and tough, life in a 1940's coal area in Wales. Funny, sad, and very inspiring. Episode 1 is below, and it's still airing. When you were "drafted" in Wales it was either in the military, OR the coal mines. Blackouts, air raid drills, children being sent away to safe areas (sometimes for years), what a tough life! I hope you'll watch some...

Kitchen in one of the coal cottages

All ready!
Chicken Wire Frame- 
This last summer in Idaho City I saw this in a store and decided to create my own-

$27.00, my frame was $10!

There's was taken down to bare wood, and I prefer the chippy paint. I found an old window on the way home from there, at the Habitat Store, and Dave helped me break out the glass. A couple days ago I took a small wire brush to it and wiped it down with a damp cloth. The we stretched left-over chicken wire to the back, stapled it well and covered the edges with duct tape. I'll be getting all my green, vintage kitchen tools out and adding them to do something similar to the above. I'll post photos when I'm done!

I love the layers of paint

Anya had to get into the act :)

Dark Days Challenge Meal-
With the holidays so busy I didn't focus on this as much. This week I did make breakfast for dinner, since Dave was out of town. With my own eggs and local challah bread I made---- french toast! It was amazing, and even more so with a few strips of uncured, organic bacon. Yummy!


Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Check my blog tomorrow, I will try to post our breakfast we had today. Yum. The wire frame is super cute. Love the idea. I wish I had more walls to decorate.

Unknown said...

Thanks. I'll take something down to replace it with, small house here too :)

Michelle said...

We started watching this on you tube a couple of night ago. We are on esp 6. The also have one called War time farms that is really good.