Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Jun 12, 2014

Summer Thrifting Score! Survivalist, Prepper or Housewife? Chicks Field Trip & Coop Modification

Summer Thrifting Score!
 It's 90 today and it's SUMMER!!! Yesterday Goodwill was calling my name. When I walked in they had a huge summer display. I thought the metal sign above was for display and not actually for sale. Then I saw the price tag- $5.00, sold! It reminds me of growing up in S. Cali as a kid, and watching the surfers :)  

Up in the kitchen

The I was looking for a replacement iced tea tea pot for the dining table, as mine is chipped, dinged and stained. I drink it pretty much year round with lunch and dinner- no calories or fake sweeteners. Then I saw this, new with the sticker still on it- $4.00!

I thought, what a great solution to china tea pots! Big, tough and farmy :) It's actually a camping percolator.
I saved the basket for camping or emergency use. Cute! I rarely show clothes I buy but this was so cute, reminds me of Mexico or Greece- brand new, $4.00, cool cotton!!!

Survivalist, Prepper or Housewife?-

Really interesting article here- Granny Miller I totally agree with her view about the current "prepper & survivalist" industry, it's mostly $$$ driven. The idea that people had basic skills, and that others are regaining this now isn't a big selling point. It's just normal for many of us. Sad but true that FEAR is a great selling tool...

Chicks Field Trip & Coop Modification-
Yesterday we took the chicks into the main run/veggie garden for a very closely supervised mixed visit. Our big red girl charged one of the babies, so I tapped her with the rake and she backed of. I know all about "pecking order" but this was more of just getting some exposure to the chicks. The babies had a blast!

I really need to get them out full time, and it's warm enough. Some wonderful person at Backyardchickens suggested splitting up the coop, and Dave and I thought- great idea! We can temporarily set up a section in the coop for the wee ones at night, then out into a separate section in the garden by day. That way they'll be outside full time, but can get bigger for integrating into the flock. I'll post some photos. We'll shoot for this weekend. We can use scrap lumber, hardware cloth, cardboard, all leftovers. Nothing to buy. Great idea!!! I love BYC :)  What a great resource to draw from...


Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

I too like visiting BYC, it's been very helpful.

Rancher Girl of The Rockin' B Ranch said...

Awesome Finds!

Leigh said...

Trying to get caught up on blog reading. I have to say that you find the cutest thrift store stuff!

I read that post on Granny Miller's too and have to agree with you. It seems that this is simply the way we ought to live: more simply and taking more responsibility for ourselves. I think, too, that prepperism and survivalism are too often fear motivated. That can't be a healthy way to live. I do believe in being sensibly prepared, because who know what the future may bring?

Lastly, your chicks are really cute!

Unknown said...

Thanks Leigh!