Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Jun 26, 2014

Mommie's Big Girls, Painting Day #2

Mommies Big Girls-
My 4 little hens are so big! One escaped into the backyard a few times today. Dave and I finally figured out where a couple of small holes were at the base of the chicken wire. All stuffed with big rocks now :)  No more field trips!

Before Picture
Painting Day #2-
I finished up most of my indoor work- hall doors and the small bathroom cabinet. The doors look so much better! Bright white! I should have done the linen closets years ago, but it kept going to the bottom of the list. Atleast the bedroom doors were painted white before we moved in and bought the place. The hall linen closets were old, dark, heavy plywood, like the above. I did 1 coat of white-

Did a 2nd one, and will see how it looks tomorrow morning. May need a 3rd. Then new knobs!!!

Bathroom door, all purty!


Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

The paint job looks great!

Susan said...

What a difference! It's amazing how much brighter a hallway is when you paint your doors white. They look great! Those chicklets are so pretty!

Unknown said...

Thanks, yes it's brighter in the hallway. Yes they're cute girls!