Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Jun 25, 2014

Happy Birthday Bette, Painting Today- Oh Joy!

Happy Birthday Bette-
My wonderful Mom-in-law passed away about 8 years ago. She'd be 90 today, so Dave's family came up with a nice remembrance of her- they asked all the children, and grandchildren to come up with a favorite memory of her. It was all consolidated into a word doc, photos were added, and it will be printed out for all to have. It was great to read all the charming stories about her. She is missed...

Painting Today- Oh Joy!
After we remodelled our main bathroom we realized how banged up the bathroom door was. Now that I'm off for the summer, I decided to paint all the hall doors. I touched up the bathroom, where there were a couple of dings, did 3 door frames and doors. It looks so nice and bright! I bought 1 gallon of bright, white latex semi gloss enamel, and there's tons left. A nice, cheap fix up. Tomorrow I will do our little bathroom cabinet, bathroom door, and our bedroom door. Then 2 linen closet doors (still dark brown, ew) that were never painted by the previous owner. Then I'll do the inside and outside of our front door, with a new bright color for the exterior! The entryway is so dark, that it will tone down the color. Paint color for front door-

Valspar Vivid Orange

I forgot to add- I pretty embarrassingly locked myself inside the bathroom. I had removed the knob, but didn't tape back the latch part. It clicked and I had an "oh shit" moment. I used a screwdriver to move back the latch and got out. Broke the knob accidentally, but it was that or be locked in the bathroom for 4 hours. Note to self- tape the latch in the UNlocked position next time :)


Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Sorry you got locked into the bathroom. Glad you had a screwdriver. I hope you don't mind, I did laugh when you said you had a "oh shit" moment.

Susan said...

Your late MIL had a lovely, kind face and a wonderful smile. She looks like someone who spread joy in her family. Ah, the old lock-yourself-in-the-bathroom routine. I did the same thing, but in the laundry room. I bet that new coat of bright white paint really makes things look wonderful!

Unknown said...

Yes, we all have those "o s" moments! Yes she was a sweet soul...