Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

May 3, 2013

Independence Days Challenge, Losing Rosie

Independence Days Challenge-
1. Plant Something- Lettuces, collard greens, Swiss chard, French radishes. I'll plant the summer garden in the next month- tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cukes, etc. Ready to prune the berries from the winter die back. We're looking at ripping up some ground covers and perennials in the front yard parking strip and replacing with veggies. I just don't have any clear ideas yet. Will bring out my pots for the back desk and start some herbs again. Got some free Dr. Seuss Lorax wildflower seeds for Earth Day. I'll scatter them on our perimeter.

2. Harvest Something- Eggs, pine shavings for the garden from the coop.

3. Preserve/Store Something- Still adding foods to the freezer. Will make Elderberry syrup to store.

4. Manage Reserves- Get a Good Deal/Barter/Stock Up/Prep- It's so great to still have freezer room, as we eat out of it. I've bought pot stickers, cheeses, flautas, tortillas, etc. and stashed. I bought more Nestle's Table Cream (canned cream) after trying it one night over fresh strawberries, yum! Just chill and it's really close to cream, just a little lighter. It's just canned cream. Great for storage in warm areas. Good to have on hand for all kinds of recipes. At Walmart it's about $1.25 a can if I remember right. Got 2 lbs. of dried Elderberries for syrup making.

5. Eat the Food- Try New Foods/Recipe- It's been great using my home canned or frozen- rhubarb sauce, jams, jellies, and pesto. I've been making a LOT of fish taco with a lime sauce. They're addicting!

6. Build Community Food Systems- Still selling eggs at work. I had to take a break after a round of worming. No eggs for 10 days afterwards. Sad putting them down the garbage disposal :(  I'll ask my neighbor for more of her rhubarb that just sits there and rots. She was happy to get rid of it!

7. Recycle/Re-Use- Dave deep cleaned the shed and our little lumber storage area last weekend. After getting the coop finished he wanted to get rid of the surplus. Luckily he can get more free lumber form work if he plans ahead. He started to put some cut up cedar in the trash and I said NO WAY! I made him out it out on the street with a free sign. It was gone in under an hour. I figured someone could use it for crafts or burn it to heat their home. More composting going on, scraps to girls.

8. Skill Up- Learning more about making Elderberry syrup (post coming soon) and treating sick chickens , again. Ugh...

9. Regenerate What is Lost/Salvage Something- Might re-do the front yard a bit. 

From  I love the fairy pot!

Losing Rosie-
Rosie is my only remaining hen from my original flock. I lost 2 to worms and the other to an unknown illness. Keeping your first flock healthy is a real learning curve. I learned the hard way to check your chickens DAILY. Look for signs of stress and injury. Short version- Rosie was looking really lethargic several days ago. She had worms again. I brought her in, but she didn't respond to the worming. I think there's an underlying cause, which is impossible to treat. I'm not going to take her to a vet (even if I could find one). I wormed her, gave her lots of fluids, antibiotics, soft/wet foods, kept her inside, etc. No luck. I finally accepted the fact she's probably not going to make it. I cried a lot. When you have a small flock and hand-raise them from a few days old, and have them for 5 years, you get attached. At least I do. So, I put her outside last night, since it warmed up, and she was probably depressed being alone. This afternoon when I got home I gave the girls some leftover fish, and she stumbled out and ate some. She actually drank some water on her own. She's so weak she almost fell over, poor thing. And so pale. Who know? Maybe she'll bounce back, but I don't think so.... I told her it was ok to go and that I love her. That's all I can do right now...


Michelle said...

Sorry to hear about your chicken. It's hard when we lose a pet.

Unknown said...

Oh, Sweetheart! I'm so sorry to hear about Rosie. I've got a few tears in my eyes over the news.

Unknown said...

Thanks, she's still hanging on...

Unknown said...

She eating and drinking on her own!

Candy C. said...

I'm a bit behind but your news about Rosie from this morning sounds encouraging! I hope she continues to improve.
I had a fairy pot several years ago and I used the Irish moss for the "grass" like in that picture. Now, I can't find it anymore to redo my pot.

Unknown said...

I think I've seen some fairy items like that at the Craft Warehouse. I might do a little something like that :)