Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Aug 26, 2012

Finally Heading Towards Fall, 4-Legged Furry Alarm, Great Deals To Preserve, How To Backup Your Blog in 3 Easy Steps

Finally Heading Towards Fall-
We had a wonderful cooler, (81 degrees) smoke-free day yesterday, due to a cool front moving in with a little wind. What a relief! It was in the low 50's last night, also nice to wake up to. For a REAL change I made a pot of hot Irish Breakfast tea for breakfast with some toast and homemade peach jam. That hit the spot!

The day are getting much shorter, and while I still water daily, the garden is making more of a come back from the heat. My nasturtium basket, which had barely bloomed in the heat, is now loaded with flowers! The two young New Hampshire Red hens are both laying fairly consistently now, what a treat! I love having LOTS of eggs! I made a Spanish fritatta 2 days ago with the surplus. Weather-wise I don't envy the folks in Florida bracing for the hurricane, but we still have major smoke to suffer thru, ick. It's been so long with these smoky skies I actually don't remember when they started? Three weeks ago or longer? I actually don't know...

4-Legged Furry Alarm-
We love Anya, our sweet cat we adopted a while back. For some reason, unbeknownst to the rest of the world, she thinks about 5:15 a.m. is a good time to get up. And get US up :(  At bedtime we usually close our bedroom door and she stays out in the rest of the house. About 5:15 every stinking day for the last few weeks she starts meowing REALLY LOUD right outside the bedroom door. I usually get up about 7, Dave 6:45ish. She was de-clawed by the previous owners. While meowing she tries to claw the underside of the bedroom door. Clunk, clunk, clunk. OMG, it drives me insane! Dave usually sleeps thru it :) I joke with him that he'd sleep thru a nuclear blast. I'm not joking however. I have tried leaving her in the room with us, door open, no change. Anyway, so I get up and feed her, problem solved. BUT NO,  back to the meowing and clawing the door 5 minutes later. "Let me in, I need some love!". OMG, so I let her in the bedroom. She goes up and down the bed, repeatedly, while I pet her, eyes shut trying to SLEEP. It's now 6. Off the bed, she's now on my dresser, trying to get up on the window sill. "Get down" I say, clapping my hands. 6:15. She's back on the bed. Will it ever end? Please somebody just shoot me. It's 6:30. So.............

I did some problem-solving and it worked great last night: Cat gets a snack right before my bedtime (I'm most always last). Cat goes into spare bedroom where cat box resides. Cat gets bowl of water. Cat gets Dave's favorite blankie off the main couch. Cat gets carried to and petted there. Cat gets warning to go to sleep or else! I turn off the lights, close the door. I close my door and get in bed. And wait, and wait. No sound, nothing. I wake up 7 hours later! Uninterrupted sleep! Still nothing. Went back to sleep. Dave got up an hour later, I hear cat meows, Dave lets her out, feeds her. I roll over. An hour later (yes, I REALLY needed some major sleep) cat is at door, cat's let in and cuddled. Cat goes to sleep on bed,  all is well.....

then hens start squawking... sometimes like Roseann Rosannadanna said "it's always something..."

Anya trying to eat a paper bag, who knew?

Great Deals To Preserve-
I got some great deals today at the local grocery outlet of peppers (6 for $1.50) and blueberries $2.00 each. Both from Canada, kind of different, but seemed very fresh. I bought 4 lbs. of grapes from my daughter's boyfriend for $1.50 a lb. His parents raise table grapes at their farm outside Boise. I'm going to freeze the peppers & blueberries and dry the grapes. He also gave us some nice squashes, ditto the drying-


How To Backup Your Blog in 3 Easy Steps-
After my recent disaster losing most of my blog photos, I researched how to back up your blogger blog
Very fast and easy. Remember, however, back up on an external drive, in case your computer crashes! You can also back up your design, great idea...


Candy C. said...

What a great deal on the peppers and blueberrie!!
Our cat, Bob, does the same thing. This morning, it was 3:53 AM when he started. :( He usually waits until at least 4:30, don't know what his problem was this morning. (sigh) If we only had the one cat, I would lock him up in the back bedroom but I hate to lock both of them up all night...

Unknown said...

I kept thinking maybe it was a neighbor starting their car that early that woke her up. I just need some sleep :) Worked great again last night!

Sunny Simple Life said...

Yes I was just saying I love the bit shorter days and the longer shadows of this time of year. We too have to lock the cats up at night or they drive us crazy.

Unknown said...

It's working so far!