Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Aug 23, 2012

El Nino Predicted This Winter, Blog Photos Gone- Smart Phone Warning

El Nino Predicted This Winter-
After seeing the first "freeze warning" in eastern Oregon tonite, I was wondering what the long-range forecast was this winter, so I looked it up. After reading El Nino To Bring Cooler Wetter Winter I'm hopeful we'll get some rain/snow this fall/winter to end our horrible fire season and fill up the aquifers. The idea of snow is always fun, since we usually don't get much in Boise. We do have some white stuff every year or so, and I enjoy it like a kid! I also love the rain here as it always greens things up. I am ready for Fall!!!

Blog Photos Gone- Smart Phone Warning-
Being a bit of a techy I do appreciate some aspects of "advanced" technology. Then, sometimes, there's just "too much of a good thing". Most of my photos have disappeared off this blog (when I have WAY to much time on my hands I may try to re-create them). Good news- I didn't actually lose the photos (have them backed up on an external hard drive), just lost them from my blog. Here's how, so you will be be forewarned:

Hubby got a new "smart phone" with our free upgrade. Smart phone has new GMail account attached to our email. Somehow the settings uploaded, thru his email (attached to my blog) ALL MY BLOG PHOTOS, except for a few. When we saw his "gallery" was full on his phone, with over 4,000 photos, we deleted them. THE SMART PHONE (not so smart) DIDN'T TELL US IT WAS DELETING THEM FROM MY BLOG :)  God, I love technology. The next day, I opened my blog. Almost every photo gone. I thought, at first, "Gee maybe there's problem with blogger?". Then I cried. One year of work gone, poof. Then I cried some more. Then I recovered and realized atleast I had all the pics backed up. Then I realized it all had to do with the SMART PHONE. We can't delete his email as my entire blog might be inaccessible, so we adjusted his settings. For now we're okay, and he's logged off his G Mail on his phone. I discovered he was "synced" to Picasa Web and evidently my blog. He's now permanently "unsynced". Sometimes it pays to be a Luddite. Hmmm, there's a hammer nearby and hubby's out watering :)


2 Tramps said...

Yes, we have a freeze warning here in the high desert of Oregon. I just came in from covering our peppers, toamtoes and squash. Other crops are already safe in hoop houses. Seems so early for frost warnings but it happens like this most every year.

Candy C. said...

Ain't technology wunnerful?!? NOT!!
I am glad to have the internet though so I can meet people from all over! :)

Pioneer Woman at Heart said...

Thanks for the tip on winter weather.

Susan said...

Smart Phone : Oxymoron? Thanks for the warning! It sounds like something I would do. I will have to sign out of Gmail on my phone as well. I am hoping that this winter kills most of the rodents and all of my powdery mildew. Amen.

Unknown said...

Yes, pretty weird the weather and the phone :(

Robyn said...

I live in South Carolina and oh how I would love to have had a freeze warning already!.. We won't see anything in the way of cooler weather until atleast December.. I am such a cold weather person.. Hubby is not, hence, we live in the south :(...As for the photos? I would have cried for days!.. And it completely confused me. I also have a smart phone with a Gmail email account.. Maybe I need to check my phone but where to start?..

Unknown said...

Robyn go into "settings" and make sure you're NOT synced to anything related- picasa web, etc. Unsync if so.