Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Mar 10, 2012

Almost Spring! Happy St. Patrick's Day, Independence Days

It's Almost Spring!
Setting the clock ahead tonite reminds me springs a comin! The grass is greening up, and so I let the girls out for some fun in the main backyard. Eating fresh grass was a treat for them, and they found some HUGE worms! It was 65 today, unbelievable, and so I washed the outside windows. Wow, I can see out now! The main living/dining room windows face the incoming, prevailing storms, so they get dust and rain spots all over. Looked pretty yucky til today. I fired up the hose and my little windex kit, with a pole and scrubber pad. Great product for a good, fast clean up. I am so looking forward to spring break! Only two more weeks! I'll deep clean the coop and do some garden prep, depending on the weather, as it usually RAINS :(


I was walking thru Target's Easter section and spied this egg holder. I thought- perfect for hard boiled eggs! Works great in the fridge. Nice, heavy ceramic-
Happy Early St. Patrick's Day!
Being part Irish I really enjoy the the upcoming holiday. I do skip the green beer though, ew. I usually make Irish potato and leek soup, and Irish soda bread for dinner, with apple butter. Sometimes I do a boiled dinner of corned beef, cabbage, potatoes and carrots. Not truly "traditional", but nice on a cold night. Someday I hope to visit there, and see the real Ireland-

Antrim, Ireland

Independence Days This Week-

1. Plant Something- we prepped the veggie bed by spreading all our ready compost. The chickens LOVED that, Mommy's little diggers! I came up with an area we can install a raised bed/fenced garden area, to keep Samantha, the dog, out. Fairly sunny, just need to remove rotting stump. That will be a nice sized bed to grow more food in!
2. Harvest Something- Eggs! Chives are coming up!
3. Preserve Something- Shopping for a freezer. Hosed down the outside of the coop.
4. Store Something- I stocked up on more canned fruits, frozen vegetables today (2 lbs. organic green beans at a grocery outlet!). Bought some smaller jelly jars for canning.
5. Manage Reserves- Get A Good Deal/Barter/Stock Up/Prep- See above. Also inventoried pantry.
6. Eat the Food- Try New Foods/Recipes- Hard boiled lots of eggs! Checked freezer for buried foods.
7. Build Community Food Systems- still working on that, it's spring, barely.
8. Recycle/Re-Use- More scraps to the chickens, using the composting bin. Spread more leaves into the garden. Will look at some recycled wood for the new raised beds.
9. Skill Up- Still doing my spring food preservation/storage class. Figure out what to plant in new raised bed.
10. Regenerate What is Lost/Salvage Something- We remembered our attic fan is dead, and will install a bigger, better one to keep the house cooler in the summer and save energy. Add a 2nd gable vent too. Will get tree trimmed soon to increase sun in veggie garden.


Candy C. said...

Your chickens look to be having a good time in the yard and I just love that ceramic egg holder! :)
Have you tried MaryJane's Irish Soda Bread recipe? It has ground oats and whole wheat flour added to it. I think it's the best soda bread recipe I have ever tried! I think I'll post it on my blog for Wednesday...

Unknown said...

Thanks, I will look that up, or watch your blog :)

Michelle said...

I just wanted to let my follower that I am having a giveaway this week.