Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Feb 20, 2012

Organizing & Another Favorite Thing

You know when you have that dreaded task that you know you hate, and you put it off? Then it gets worse? Then you get so sick of it you can't stand it? That's my linen closet, which also doubles as a catch all for misc. OTC meds, first aid, towels, etc. I had baskets, but things get mixed up, shoved to the back, forgotten. So I finally tackled my hall closet today, and it's done! Wow, the things I found- sticky baskets covered in spilled cough syrup (ew), lost items, too many free toothbrushs from the dentist (we use a Sonicare)... and on. I knew we had too many towels, but I like to keep some on hand for dog baths, and our rare guests. I have a new pile now for rags in the garage. I also know WHAT I HAVE, a good aspect of homesteading!
It's done! I had the baskets already, washed them, but then had nowhere for our emergency pet stuff. Then I remembered I had a cereal container- the size was perfect for ointments, pills and Sam's new inflatable surgery collar which hopefully she won't need anytime soon.

I forgot to add another one of my "favorite things"- my new double-sided table runner from Costplus! I got it for free on a special coupon deal. Very springy, vintagey, and nice heavy fabric. The back has the same colors, in a wide stripe...

And it's SNOWING!!! Woop, woop!

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