Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Mar 11, 2023

Thinking Outside The Box About Retirement- Five Ways to Prep for Retirement That Don't Include a Bank Account


Thinking Outside The Box About Retirement- Five Ways to Prep for Retirement That Don't Include a Bank Account -
When I am thinking about when I can "retire" I think about a lot of things besides money. When I saw this blog post, by one of my favorite bloggers, I knew I had to share it!!! Please read and let me know what you think? She sums it all up quite nicely. Thanks Wendy!!!  Five Ways to Prep for Retirement that Don't Include a Bank Account    (link fixed)


Angela said...

The link didn't work for me but it might be me. LOL

Nancy In Boise said...

Sorry I fixed it, thanks!!!

Leigh said...

That blog post is spot on. It's funny, but when I was a kid the philosophy about retirement was that by that time, the house would be paid off and expenses would be lower because the kids were on their own. It was anticipated that retirement income was lower, but now everybody thinks they have to retire as millionaires. They put their money into investment schemes instead of tangible assets, like the tools needed to be more self-sufficient. Dan and I aren't living a life of leisure by most standards, but we have things to do that keep us physically and mentally active, and make us feel productive at the end of the day.

Nancy In Boise said...

Yes exactly! Good to be able to fix things, repair, grow food, etc

Wendy said...

Nancy <3 <3 <3 !!!

Thank you so much for the link-back.

I love your comments on my blog posts. Thank you so much! And I do both read them, and publish them, and usually reply. I'm just slow at it ;).

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks for writing it Wendy!!!