Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Jun 12, 2022

Blogging Blahs/Rain Rain and More... , My Favorite Youtubers

Blogging Blahs/Rain, Rain and More... -
I don't know if it's been the weather, current world news, etc. but I just have had major blahs as far as blogging. I also came down with a non-C virus a week ago +, almost gone. Nothing like being sick in the summer, yuck. I browse around online and I think I've gotten to the point of not really being interested in blogs that show all these fun arts and crafts ideas, etc. On a certain level I think that there are just so many people who are still so asleep. While I appreciate the stress reduction aspect I'd rather spend money on food, fuel and OTC supplies to stash than craft items. But that's me. As I've said before- no downside to being prepared. 

Anyway, on Memorial day it was 45 degrees! Yes 45 degrees.  Heavy cold rains for 3 days, we were supposed to plant the veggie garden that weekend. This weekend it was pretty warm yesterday, so Dave turned the entire vegetable garden. Last fall I told Dave I wanted to expand the veggie garden so we can plant more intensively. I had the idea to cordon off a small portion of the veggie garden area and increase the length of the chicken run in the shade. We expanded the chicken run this spring which works great. I suggested that he create a gate out of the old coop wood door-

We had replaced it with a used glass storm door. He came up with the idea to also have it articulated, so that will fold up for the winter, will get some touch up paint-

Gate attached to coop, then chicken wire to the fence

Gate attached to coop

The hens can get in and out of the coop, then also have the long shade run. We can plant much more intensively now, no worries for the hens digging into the veggies. Once the fall garden is done the idea of the chickens will have full use of the whole area again. We have so many eggs now I have decided to start dehydrating some. I'm ordered some trays for my dehydrator with lips for wet items. More later on that. Will be nice to have more room in the fridge! We woke up to heavy rains again today, Sunday. Dave decided to just go ahead and plant since his work week is crazy. He does the heavy digging as it's a lot easier on my arthritic knees and back. I will plant my smaller flowers and herbs, etc. He was out with wet clay soil today. He planted the 6 tomatoes, 3 peppers, a Bird's Nest pine and a yellow squash. Will plant the strawberries and others in the next week or so. Needs to dry out a bit - 

I wouldn't mind a cool summer, this this is crazy! We're supposed to get almost-record rain today that we would usually get in the entire month of June! What can you do? We'll get some more veggies planted in the next few weeks, will be a late growing season, fingers crossed. Fruit trees are LOADED too, great news!!! 

My Favorite Youtubers-
I thought I'd share some info on vloggers I have followed for quite some time, and have found to have very useful info. Many of them were way ahead of the curve news-wise. I was watching a really great YouTube video last night. This is the channel I don't usually watch, but I heard something about a message from a farmer it peaked my interest. This video really nails it in my opinion, and that's only my opinion, watch through the end-

Points- Some people seem to think that if there is not a shortage in a grocery store now that that will continue. Farmers & ranchers plan out a year + in advance. The farmer that was quoted mentioned when you grow a calf to an adult for beef it takes about 18 months. So if you like beef you may be able to find in the store now, that's last year's production. Many didn't breed for this year, too expensive with feed prices. Many are cutting their herd size. I have heard this from many other sources as well. Buy now if you can. I also like these guys, pretty a-political and informative-  Canadian Prepper  Alaska Prepper  City Prepping and my fave female blogger Appalachia's Homestead with Patara, she is pretty blunt, so skip if you don't like that! I LOVE her!  Great vlogger for food preps, a food scientist Rose Red Homestead. For a really FASCINATING vlog with old world preserving and more watch Country Life Vlog, located in Azerbaijan I love this new post! Very relaxing!!! Really a gorgeous property-

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