Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Nov 10, 2021

Preparedeness 16.0/ Grocery Recon, Autumn Colors and 27 Degrees!

Preparedeness 16.0/ Grocery Recon-
I went grocery shopping a few days ago at a store I haven't been in for quite a while. Started going to Winco in the spring with food prices going up, and they have a great bulk section! I was at my dentist's the other day right next to an Albertson's so decided to go in there for a few odd items. One of the things I'd read about was a potential pasta shortage coming up, due to grain prices. I was really shocked at the Barilla brand pasta that I have bought for years has almost doubled in price, and the box has shrunk about 35% at least. SHRINKFLATION. Luckily Albertson's had their store brand pasta and I was able to buy six boxes of pasta for $0.99 each. I love pasta in the winter! I did get a few of my other regular items at a slightly higher price. They did seem to be pretty well stocked. I must say our WinCo prices are definitely cheaper. I also stopped at a Ross discount store with clothing, etc. Their shoe section was 50% empty which was really a shock to see. They're bedding section which used to be several rows was now 1/3 of a row and mostly empty. I guess it makes sense that a lot of the discounted clothing from stores is not getting shipped around much. Not a shock, but the shortages are settling in. We have everything for Thanksgiving so I'm good to go! I'll be hosting our partial family, so we're ready!  

Oakleaf Hydrangea, love the bronze tones! 

Autumn Colors and 27 Degrees! 
We had a real cold front come in last week and woke up to 27 degrees in the morning! Our autumn colors are really pretty right now, but will come to an end soon so I decided to take some photos. The day after this it was pouring rain. So here's some of our autumn colors at the little Homestead!

Our little rainbow Zinnias I started from seed 


Rainbow Echinacea


We went to Hyatt Hidden Lakes Reserve early Sunday afternoon for a walk. It's a reserve that's not too far from our house. There were tons and tons of wildlife there, wish I would have taken my zoom lens! Lots of Canadian geese and various water fowl. Really nice oasis in the middle of town. We drove up to Bogus Basin after that, almost up to the mountaintop, but it was a solid sheet of ice, so we had to turn back. At least we got to see some mountain trees and snow! Here's some shots from the reserve- 


Paula Alexandra Santos said...

Prices are higher here, too. And they are talking about a new confinment, if things don't get better, althought almost 87% of our population is already vaccinated.
Love the flowers and the lake. We also have a large variety of birds here in Portugal and one thing I like to see every year, are the flamingos that stay here in the Summer and Spring. I can see them from our living room window and they look so cute, all pink in a river of blue!
Have a blessed weekend, Nancy!

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks Paula, I just shake my head at this whole thing. That's amazing that you can see flamingos! They're so amazing with the pink from all the shrimp they eat.

Rain said...

Your walk at the reserve looks lovely and so do the flowers! I only buy Barilla pasta and I've also noticed the rise in price. It seems to be the only pasta out there that doesn't give me indigestion. Whenever I see it on sale, I load up on it. I'm trying to only buy from Costco now. Sometimes I have to alter my shopping list, but it's the only store where I can save money. I wish we had a Winco here! So far Nancy, our weather is still fall-ish...but we are having frosty mornings!! :)

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks rain and next time I need to take my telephoto lens to get better pictures. I really like Barilla as well especially their whole grain. Yes time to adjust shopping for sure we're doing the same thing here. Next week or so after we get through the last of our Tomatoes I'm going to start baking bread so we'll start posting some recipes and photos we'll try some no knead ones!

Mama Pea said...

Your low temps have been a bit lower than ours even . . . so far. I'm surprised your flowers look so good and haven't been nipped yet.

I love, love, love pasta but dear husband doesn't. He'll eat it now and then but says it feels "too starchy" to him. Doesn't matter how I fix it. :o(

I, too, am bracing for another lock down. I figure they will wait until after the holidays and then go for it. After our first one, even though I've always kept our supplies well stocked, I'm even more conscientious about having what we need right here in the house now.

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks Mama sorry I didn't see your post sooner went into spam for some reason. Yes I know not everyone say pasta fan!