Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Aug 22, 2020

Smoky Skies, Rural Farmer's Market Haul, Easy/ Cheap Old Monitor To Laptop Fix! Thrifted Galileo Barometer, Chick Update

Smoky Skies-
I've seen the fires in California on the national news and it's just absolutely horrendous. I really feel for all the loss of lives, both human and animal, loss of housing, businesses, wilderness, etc. The smoke has been so bad it's been drifting from California into Nevada and Idaho the last several days. It makes for gorgeous sunrises and sunsets, but is pretty bad otherwise. Early morning yesterday I saw a bright orange red ball in the sky. I wish I could have got a better picture-

It's really exacerbated people who have underlying respiratory issues, like me, with asthma and allergies. But it could be worse at least Idaho isn't on fire the way California is! I hope they get some rain soon.

Rural Farmer's Market Haul-
A few years ago we got some amazing peaches from one of Dave's co-workers. They were from a local farm/orchard and I started thinking about that the other day. They're about a 40-minute drive from here so I called ahead and they had those peaches! They're different because they're a smaller farm so they can really tree-ripen their fruits. We may go back soon for some plums. We drove out today and I bought two crates of peaches. Sorry I don't remember the variety but they're like an Elberta Peach, but much bigger, the size of a SOFTBALL!

Chilling in the bedroom


The peaches I'm going to freeze soon, then over Labor Day weekend (five days off with PTO) I'm going to make some big batches of peach jam. I may also can some peaches. Our poor Peach tree kind of fizzled out this year, so I was happy to buy some local peaches. Sadly none of the fruit I bought today was organic, but what can you do. Hopefully next year will be better. Our pears are ripening so I may have enough to can as well!!!

At the second farm stand we hit on the way back we got several pounds of amazingly fresh pickling cucumbers. Whenever I found them at a grocery store they tend to be mushy and bruised. This time I found some great fresh ones and I'll use these for some fermented pickles. They were muddy when I got them home, so they got a bath and a chill! 

Also got some Gaston's bread, local and amazing! Freezes great and got an apple Danish too, yummy!

We also got several pounds of fresh Gala apples, super crunchy. I've noticed this last year in the winter fall and spring that almost all the apples I had bought in grocery stores were mushy. I tried different stores, I tried different varieties and just didn't have much luck. So when I bought these I bought enough to fill up our crisper probably about five or six pounds. Will keep these for eating apples-

I bought a bag of a dozen ears of sweet corn and some Blackberry pancake syrup. All in all it was a great haul!

Easy/ Cheap Old Monitor To Laptop Fix!
I thought I'd share this in case some of you may be using older computers and need to retro-fit them. My computer I've been using in the kitchen (mostly for blogging) was an older Windows 7. I had a nice size older monitor on it. *** Updated Info*** Here's the basics on the technology redo- there's basically two kinds of monitors, old analog ones with a giant blue plug and pins with screws-

That was what I had. The newer monitors are digital and do not need an adapter. Because my monitor was older and analog there was no way to run it to the laptop without using an adapter. I hope that makes sense? Please post more questions if you need. We bought a Windows 10 laptop this last spring, it was a great deal. We wanted something more secure for banking, etc. I finally decided that I had enough of Windows 7 since it was getting SO SLOW. We thought about what our options were, maybe buying a new digital monitor that would work with the laptop?  We finally realized for $8 we could buy an adapter to use with the analog monitor. A cheap and easy fix!

Basically I backed everything up on our external hard drive first from the old Windows 7 hard drive-

Old hard drive, We're keeping it for now just to make sure I didn't miss anything. 

External hard drive-

Next I went ahead and backed up the external hard drive to the laptop. You could use a thumb drive if you don't have many files or email them to yourself. Then we plugged in the old monitor into the laptop using a HDMI to VGA adapter seen below. The blue analog monitor plug goes into the adapter, and then it plugs into the side of the laptop-

Basically this creates the laptop as your hard drive. You can go into the display/ power settings and set up the laptop so that it "does nothing when you close the screen". This set up gives you lots of flexibility, since we can still use the laptop in other parts of the house. When I work out in the kitchen I can just plug my monitor into the side of the laptop, it's ready to go. Here's the HDMI to VGA adapter-

Plugged in- 

Close the laptop, less distracting for me-

Good tech fix for $8.00!

Thrifted Galileo Barometer-
We stopped at a thrift store the other night and out of the corner of my eye I spotted a Galileo barometer! For five bucks I squealed with delight and practically ran out of there with it. I had one years ago but it got broken and I never replaced it. As soon as I got at home I cleaned all the glass and put it in a safe place and it works! He was invented by Galileo in the 1600 and basically has little balls that are all calibrated to rise or sink depending on me ear temperature. This afternoon said 72° which was about spot-on! Each glass ball has a temperature on it on a metal tag-

More info here Galileo Thermometer

Chick Update-
I'm happy to report all of our "chicks" are doing well and are almost half-size. They're all very healthy and the flock seems to have settled in pretty well with each other. I don't see a whole lot of squabbles anymore. We did have to trim their flight feathers today again because they were flying up on top of our 4-foot fence. If they got over the 4-foot fence into the yard wouldn't really be a huge problem. The problem would be if they got from the 4-foot fence to the 6-foot fence and went over into our neighbor's backyard. They have about four dogs that would kill them. So Dave and I trimmed them again. Later in the day I got some nice photos. I really like having a mixed flock so you can tell all the birds apart. Our older hen Rosie is now molting. Neither of my two older birds have been laying anything for about the last four to six weeks. The good news is with the three younger hens will hopefully start laying around October or November. So here's a look at the girls! You can really see all there individual markings pretty well on these photos. It is hard to get pictures of chickens since they won't stand still!

Luna, the Silver Laced Wyandotte-

Debbie, a Golden Sexlink- 

Sunny, a Brown Leghorn-


Goatldi said...

Love the barometer! Would love one so colorful.

Your chicklets are lovely and healthy looking. Mine are behind yours by about two months. But fun to watch .

I lost you at “Hello” . Could you please rerun that tech redo in English for dummies please. It sounds fascinating but went in left ear where my vet tech brain screamed cannot compute and tossed it out the right ear.

Nancy In Boise said...

Thank you! Here's the basics on the technology redo, there's basically two kinds of monitors, old analog with a giant blue plug and pins with screws. Which is what I have. The newer monitors are digital and do not need the kind of adapter that I used. Because my monitor was older and analog there was no way to run it to the laptop without using an adapter. Does that make sense? Please post more questions if you need

Nancy In Boise said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nancy In Boise said...

I also added more photos and more descriptions

Rain said...

Hi Nancy :) The peaches looks scrumptious!!! :) Peach jam sounds amazing. OMG the plug and pins monitors! I remember those from the 90's??? I'm glad you found a good adapter. I think we have 5 hard drives now, the latest ones are a TERABITE...that's beyond my understanding of storage lol...but it holds a hell of a lot of movies! :) Wow that barometer is really cool!!! Your chickens are beautiful, but Luna's colours are so pretty, I think she's my favourite!! Our county is closed for burning...we are still in a drought but luckily not in forest fire alert...I feel for those who are.

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks Rain yes there are really great variety. The old monitor was actually only about 4 years old but yes it's very old technology! Yes we have a good external hard drive I think it's one terabyte to which is way more than we need. I love the barometer to an especially since it works! It's cool to watch some of the balls rise and fall over the course of the day in the evening. What is pretty for sure I've never had a silver laced Wyandotte before. Yes while it's really Smoky here it could be much worse at least we're not actually in a fire here. I'm praying for rain for California and hopefully maybe some cooler fall other will get some of those fires out

Mama Pea said...

It's amazing how far reaching smoke from those California fires are. Such a terrible situation for those folks in the severe fire areas. A force of Nature? Yes, but so, so scary.

Those peaches look heavenly. I love peach jam! I used to can plums and pears in a light syrup. The pears we ate all winter as a light dessert and most of the plums got used in a Plum Crisp dish that everyone liked and I made often. Our nearest neighbors gave us many ears of sweet corn they just harvested from their garden which is up on a hill and gets more sun than ours does. What a treat! You succeeded in getting good pictures of all your new (fast-moving) chickies. Yes, I like it when it's easy to tell the chickens apart, too.

Nancy In Boise said...

Yes, bad situation for Calif and beyond. The peaches will be great, light syrup too, and will freeze some for baking. Yes the chicklets are all different!

Goatldi said...

Thanks for the update Nancy it is getting clearer. I’ll certainly keep my eye open for the bits and pieces I might need I may do that will have to see how it goes don’t wanna blow anything up. Hope the peaches are turning out great enjoy!

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks, it an easy and safe conversion, just makes the signal work from the older monitor. Peaches getting ready!

Leigh said...

Peaches! Mine didn't do so well so I love seeing yours. Good haul of goodies. The barometer was a real find! Probably one of the best ever. It pays to visit thrift stores often and keep your eyes peeled.