Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

May 31, 2018

Oh Hail No! Debbie The Sci Fi Chicken

Oh Hail No!!!
Last night I was watching the radar and another storm rolled in. I realized it might get pretty nasty so I put the chickens inside. Next I moved my basil that I haven't potted yet under a table for protection. Things transpired pretty quickly! In no time we had a long round of marble-sized hail-

All I could think of was just if the cucumbers and tomatoes would survive, this but it appears they have. We had really high gusting winds and torrential downpours for a good half hour to an hour. It's one of the worst storms I've seen in a long time with a lot of thunder, lightning and wind. We all survived and the chickens will live to see another day! Speaking of chickens.......

Debbie The Sci Fi Chicken-
Well you know it had to happen sometime! A chicken was introduced in Netflix's new wonderful series Lost in Space. I really love the series myself and I think it did a great job rebooting the idea. Early on in the show, without giving too much away if you haven't seen it, there's a crash with a lone chicken survivor-

The very hunky Han Solo-ish character Major Don West (dashingly played by Ignacio Serricchio) decides to save the chicken. As I was watching this scene I had to just really crack up when he said no chicken left behind! He talks to the chicken occasionally-

So without giving too much away, if you haven't seen it, he saves the chicken and then the chicken saves his life, with the help of a little technology-

He then names the chicken Debbie. At one point he has to go on a dangerous trip and leaves Debbie in the care of someone else. It's pretty funny when he describes how to put the chicken to sleep at night, by laying on her back and rubbing her stomach. Great cast, much of it was filmed in Canada and the CGI is excellent!

There's also blog link listed below with some fun information and I highly recommend the show if you like sci-fi. Honoring Debbie The Spacefaring Chicken


Susan said...

Hail? OMG! I'm so glad there wasn't damage - when I hear hail in the forecast, I'm filled with angst! I hadn't heard of this remake, but I will definitely check it out because - chickens... :)

Nancy In Boise said...

yes worst hail I've seen in a long long time! yes the whole chicken arc is really funny....