Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Jan 13, 2018

DIY Floating Corner Shelves, Free Online Essentials Oils Class! Homemade Chicken w/Biscuits & Gravy

DIY Floating Corner Shelves-
It was 54 yesterday and felt like spring! WOW! I'm loving the sunny, mild weather for now. It's still winter so time will tell. I'm grateful we haven't have the terrible snow we had last year.  Last weekend Dave built the shelves I had been wanting. It got put off until after the holidays and babysitting. I first got the idea here- Corner Shelves I asked Dave to build some in our front corner hallway. He looked at the plans and he said it was VERY overbuilt. Since he's great at carpentry I trusted his design. We used lighter weight wood, saves $ and it's very sturdy. Don't waste your $ on heavy wood for such a small use project. Before we had a wire rack, that folds up, with a Swedish country shelf above. Dave took it all down before I could get a full shot, but here's the old one I had-

Dave took everything down, we talked about how wide and high the shelves should be, then marked with painters tape-

View down the hall-

Sorry, kitty box showing!

Next he leveled, then mounted the supports to the studs and nailed in, using his little nail gun. It worked great for this, no huge, messy holes!

Supports all installed

Adding shelves

Winter decor is up, daughter made the bowl and house in high school

Here's the materials list we used, all about $25.00 locally-

1/4 sheet of 1/4 " Birch plywood for shelves, cut in triangles
16' of 1" x 3" utility wood, he cut to 1/2" for 32' for the braces
25' quarter round for the top edge of the shelves, looks more finished
12' finish grade 1" x 3" for front edges
Nail gun nails, or use finish nails
Fine sandpaper for the edges, just to smooth a bit
You could have a big box store cut the squares for you, but then you'd have to cut the triangles another way. 

At this point the wood is bare, since I wanted to see the color in the lighting. It was also too cold outside to do any painting. I may do a white wash on the wood, or a light pine stain. Haven't decided yet. That corner can be dark, but there's a light "straw" color on the walls. All I'd need to do is tape it off and throw down a small tarp. I'll do a clear coat of nothing else to protect the wood. I really love the size, perfect for the space. I'll spackle a couple of holes, touch up and call it good. Thanks Dave!

Free Online Essentials Oils Class!
As a member of The Homestead Bloggers Network I can pass on a free class to you! If you’ve read some of my blog posts you know I have used essential oils with great results! They're affordable, easy to find and they store well. So why not give your medicine cabinet a makeover and start using essential oils? If you've been on the fence here’s your chance to learn about them from a Doctor and aromatherapist. Join the FREE online Essential Oils Master Class, with NO oils to buy. Use your own and learn some great tips on how to use them! If you're a novice this will point you in the right direction. You can Preregister Here- Essential Oils Master Class . If you take the class please let me know what you think?

Homemade Chicken w/Biscuits & Gravy-
What to make on a cold winters' night with leftover chicken and biscuits? Yup, chicken and biscuits with gravy! There's tons of recipes out there and here's what I did. Cubed up leftover roasted chicken breast (skin removed), sauteed about 3/4 cup each fresh carrots, celery, salt, pepper, Thyme and butter. Once cooked I added flour to make a roux, then chicken broth, cook until thickened. Add about 1 cup of frozen peas and chicken. Cook until nice and hot. Serve on top of a biscuit! Yummy! 


Katie C. said...

That’s sort of how we make our chicken pot pie, cooking the biscuits on top in the oven! I usually add thyme too.

Nancy In Boise said...

Yes nice comfort food for a cold night

Rain said...

Your chicken biscuits with gravy look so comforting. Reminds me I should make a chicken pot pie soon! Great work on the shelves!!

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks Rain both were great!

Leigh said...

The corner shelves turned out great! Such a nice touch for a corner. Dinner looks good too!