Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Jan 4, 2016

On Surviving Hitting A Deer, In The Dark, at 55 MPH

Mule Deer

On Surviving Hitting A Deer, In The Dark, at 55 MPH-
I wanted to share this experience because life is full of lots of very unexpected things. Coming back from a day-long road trip Saturday up to the snowy mountains with 3 of our adult kids (and mini-grand baby) I was driving back in the dark with the 5 of us in our car. I was driving our Subaru Outback. The roads were dry. I was doing about 55 in the dark when I noticed a large mule deer running across the road on my left heading right in front of me. I had nowhere to go. I locked up my brakes and hit my horn, felt a thud and the deer jumped over the concrete barrier off to my right. The other side of the concrete barrier was a drop off of at least 1,000 feet down the side of the cliff. I pulled off the road at a high rate of speed and pulled over. I decided not to get out of the car there with the dark and heavy traffic. I got back on the road and pulled off onto a turnout up a bit. My husband and I checked the car and couldn't find literally a scratch on it, just 1 deer hair in the crack when the plastic joins on the front fender. Not only did the deer not cause any damage to the car, I could have likely rolled the car if I had hit the concrete barriers there. I think it would have ricocheted us back out into ongoing traffic. And I think the deer survived! I think it may have been airborne by the time it was in front of the car. My husband said it was a miracle I didn't roll the car. Amen!!!


Susan said...

OMG! I am solar you all are okay! Deer vs. car doesn't often turn out well for either party. Great reflexes!

Unknown said...

Thanks, we're glad too!

Mama Pea said...

We have way too many deer crossing roads here in northern Minnesota and there is hardly a driver who hasn't had at least one collision with a deer. You did the very best thing you could do: Hit the brakes and held the car steady. It's been proven over and over again that it is MUCH safer to hit the deer than to swerve to try to avoid it. So often in a swerve, control of the vehicle is lost and the car rolls or goes off the road and hits a tree. I know how scary your hitting the deer must have been, but it could have turned into a tragic accident if you hadn't been in control of the situation.

Whew! So glad it came out as it did. You done good!!!!

Unknown said...

Thanks Mama! My guardian angels helped too I'm sure :)

Jennifer@MyFlagstaffHome said...

This is such a fear of mine as deer and elk are all over the area where I live. Sounds like you did everything right. Glad you were all okay. Thanks for sharing at My Flagstaff Home!


Candy C. said...

OMG!! What an experience!! I'm glad you were all okay and I hope the deer did make it too. It does show that you just never know what is going to happen...