Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Jan 14, 2016

Deleting/Restoring A Blog, Faux Lavender Wreath & Crafting W/Thrifted Finds, For You Baseball Fans!

Deleting/Restoring A Blog-
I can't even begin to tell you how much I hate Google. There are NO words. When you have someone start buying up every smaller company their "customer service" (and your privacy) evaporates. It's their nature. Here's the short version with some helpful info in case something happens to your blog!

I backed up my blog and theme before I went to delete an old junk email account last weekend. After recreating a new blog, because google closed mine, I also had to choose a new URL, or web address. I chose something similar- "The" little homestead in Boise. When you Import your blog it still misses quite a few things- links, photos, etc. so you may want to create a back up word Doc for that. It would save a LOT of time restoring or recreating. You might also document the size of the side bar, etc. if it's not the default. I like mine a bitter narrower. I finally realized I could restore the junk email I deleted and within 1 or 2  minutes my blog reappeared. I disconnected the junk email from it and added my main email. This took me 7 hours!!! And a lot of tears. I did find this fix after I published this- How To Change Blogger Login Email Address  Additional instructions I figured out- send the invite then log out. Log on with the new email, THEN accept then invite. Then log in with the old email and make the change. It worked! Pretty easy. I also deleted the new-recreated blog.

When you have blogged for several years, and create a following, it's really sad to lose all that. PROTECT YOURSELF FROM GOOGLE, ETC!!! Backup, or archive your stuff. Lesson learned :(

My faux lavender wreath

Faux Lavender Wreath & Crafting W/Thrifted Finds-
I'm getting some spring fever, with 2 inches of snow forecast tonite! We had an inch this morning. I've been loving Provence French Country colors for a while with their famous blues and yellows. I've always loved sunflowers, and I'm going to plant some BIG ones this summer. I have a tendency to put these kinds of things only in my kitchen dining room, so I'm going to spread them out into the living room and our main bedroom. This summer I'm giving our bedroom a fresh, much-needed coat of paint. I'll go with white or cream and use a lot of these kinds of blue/yellow items to brighten it up! I'm going for a rustic, shabby chic bedroom with pops of color. With blue being my fave color and loving lavender (I grow a lot!) I stumbled on to this fun lavender wreath project. It's easy- no glue, and only took me about 15 minutes. I used these 2 components, a fake lavender "bush" and a twig wreath (+wire cutter), total cost about $8.00 with a coupon from Hobby Lobby. I LOVE that place, great prices and very helpful staff. Their lavender is very realistic-

Directions here from Confessionsofaplateaddict

I saw this on Joss and Main for $60.00 and laughed! A jar, pebbles and fake sunflowers. I'll be making one. For a LOT less!

I saw this too at Confessionsofaplateaddict and loved the tin house look for winter decor. You take paper mache houses and spray paint them with "hammered paint", how cool! Also from Hobby Lobby.
My thrifted pile of components-

Recognize the house? Ready to paint and stash for next winter!

My thrifted print I just found, $1.99! Sorry, no no-glare glass :( 

The blue/yellow vase will hold a topiary ($2.00) and I found a new French butter dish. It was a steal at .99 cents, since they run about $25.00 new. They work great!

My fave new ceramic teapot (not kettle), got it from eBay for $8.00 great condition! Reminds me of Swedish country style designs -

And Santa's (me) new French tin postcard sign will go up, but where??? Hmmm...

I finally re-habbed my real Birch Yule log that I got for about $3.00 with really ugly 70's-style greenery. I stripped it down, left the candle holders as is. It has nice heavy metal feet underneath. I deconstructed a small swag I'd made and re-used it, nice! I may add something else, we'll see...

My simple winter goodies are out now, with berries from the garden. Soon sunflowers & lavender crafts and decor will emerge from my pile of thrifted supplies! Stay tuned!

For You Baseball Fans!
Dave and I are both baseball fans, so when I bought him the new James Taylor CD Before This World (excellent!) for Christmas we were both thrilled! He has a great new baseball song that he took 10 years to write. It's about the 2004 world series game, won by the Red Socks, the 1st win since 1918. It's called Angels Of Fenway, luckily he did a great music video too! Enjoy!!!


Susan said...

What a nightmare! It's a good thing that you have the technical savvy to know what other steps to take. I would be sunk. I love the lavender wreath!

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks, I will blog again about just doing the email switch. That would have been VERY helpful!

Mama Pea said...

What a nightmare Goggle put you through. I don't know what I would have done in your circumstance. Give yourself a lot of credit for working through it . . . tears and all!

You have such a talent for decorating. Plus coming up with the ideas in the first place. Yep, talent, that's what you have.

hoosier girl said...

I love what you did with the birch log!

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks Mama and Hoosier girl. I have thought maybe I should create some stuff and sell it thru eBay, maybe. I think growing up poor makes you think outside the box :)

Candy C. said...

I LOVE the wreath, that lavender is very realistic looking and that teapot is to die for!! What a mess you had with the computer issues, blech...

Nancy In Boise said...

Yes, I'd never seen that realistic before! They have some other great faux flowers there as well. Yes I love that teapot too, tough to find...

Cozy Thyme Cottage said...

I love your lavender wreath! I am just getting into the Hobby Lobby shopping! Nancy

Jennifer@MyFlagstaffHome said...

Sorry for all the trouble you had with Google. Yikes. Sure do love that wreath you shared. Thanks for sharing at My Flagstaff Home!


Nancy In Boise said...

Enjoy, I love shopping there! Thanks Jennifer!

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

So glad that you like the little houses and the lavender wreath! I love the way yours turned out! Hugs...Debbie

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks Debbie! Love your blog!!!

Leigh said...

Nancy, what a nightmare with your blog. But what a relief that you were able to figure it out without losing anything! Excellent advice to back it up frequently!

Excellent thrifting too. I always love seeing your finds!

Nancy In Boise said...

Thanks Leigh!