Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Jul 10, 2014

Food Pantry Re-Do & Some Prepping Info, Food Fatigue

“Part of self-reliance is building a resilient community of hard goods and soft goods (spiritual, emotional, educational) around us, proximate, and relationally-oriented". Joel Salatin

        All better :)

Food Pantry Re-Do & Some Prepping Info-
I was thinking it was time to re-organize my food pantry (bedroom) closet. I decided to bone up again, and started reading about more types of emergency food storage. I browsed the web. Wow, there's a lot out there in cyber land! I found the food section in this very useful- Zero to Prepared- Fast, Simple & Low Cost  I was already doing "copy canning" I just didn't know it was called that. I moved things around, re-did some locations, checked what I had and did some shopping today. My weak spot had been veggies and pastas. I had 2 big buckets on the very top shelves, 1 of freeze dried veggies, and 1 of fruits. They ate up a lot of shelf space. So I put them here-

in the living room, back of the entertainment center, where my cookbooks/CDs live!

Today I bought- Pastas, dried beans, chili with meat, #10 can dried potatoes (I know I live in Idaho!), canned veggies. I'm pretty good on veggies, spices, condiments, fruits, dairy, grain and beans. Here's a peek-

Condiments, oils, shortening, snacks, pastas, crackers, cookies

Grains, rices, teas, coffee, vinegars

Veggies, quick desserts, baking supplies

6 gallons of water, we also have a 55 gal. rain barrel so the filter is out, to the left of the bottles 

Longer term storage in back- dried butter, eggs, fruits, veggies, corn meal, food mills, 
empties are for rolled oats... forgot to re-stock!

Drinks, dairy, pilot bread/crackers, chips, & table cream (awesome). Tastes like the real thing chilled.

Meats, soups, broths

Fruits and honey, some of the fancy goodies were gifts

Quick soup mixes, camping quick breads

Food Fatigue-
As you can see I like a lot of variety! I've heard about food fatigue, where people will simply stop eating out of the sheer boredom of subsisting off few foods. Not a good idea. When you hear certain groups promoting storing only a few foods, branch out! I have wheat, and flour, but I also have: buckwheat grouts, rolled & steel cut oats,  rices, spelt, cornmeal. You can make a lot of different things out of that. Keep lots of spices, condiments, jams, jellies (I can a lot of my own). Think different combos! Be creative and plan ahead...


Michelle said...

I love the ideal of using a closet for storage. This year I have started dehydrating my own veggie for long term storage. I am also trying some of the jar meals for storage. I am new to long turn storage. So any and all tip will help. I got some great ideals just from this post. Thanks.

Susan said...

I may have to fly you up here to organize me! My pantry has never looked that good! I use closets and shelving (in the cats' room) for my pantry. I keep telling myself I need to organize it, but it keeps going to the bottom of the list. You are an inspiration!

Unknown said...

Thanks Michelle, it's good to share ideas:)

Thanks Susan, and I envy you having the room to grow all that food!

Unknown said...

Great, great post...especially considering our times at the moment this is greatly needed for all to see, learn and do! You've been selected for our featured post of the week at Simple Saturdays Blog Hop!! Congratulations, hop on back over, grab a featured button and post that proudly on your sidebar! We hope to see you again THIS week!

Unknown said...

Thanks!!! Your comment went into the spam folder or I would have answered sooner :)