Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Dec 21, 2012

Happy Solstice! Simplifying Christmas Gifting, Decorations, Your Dark Days Challenge?

Happy Solstice!

Happy Solstice!-
I go to a simple Winter Solstice event every year at the local Unitarian church that is very reflective about how this last year went, and the hopes for the next year. It's all done by candle light and so very peaceful. I think everyone should stop this time of year and look at their lives, instead of the mad dashing to buy stuff. So Happy Winter Solstice! We're still here!

Simplifying Christmas Gifting-
I've moved more and more into a voluntary simplicity mode in my life as I have gotten older, and wiser :)  I also have really gotten burned out on the crass commercialisation of Christmas. I used to work retail and I know what an illusion "sales" really are. I find it ironic that a supposedly Christian country focuses on shopping and not worship. Maybe I'm in the minority? I told all our adult girls that they would get home-made gifts and stocking stuffers this year, and that was it. They were fine with it. They are having their own tough times paying their student loans and being under-employed. My husband's family always did a gift exchange after the kids were 18, that way no one had to buy gifts for everyone, just one gift. Made sense to me! We're also trying to take the emphasis off gift giving and more spending time together. And it's pretty much cash only. While there's not as much under the tree, it so much more relaxing. I got things I know they'll really love, and it takes the pressure off.

I finally got everything out last weekend and put things up. The last thing was- fresh greens! We use a fake tree, but I always like some fresh pine greens in the house. I bought some at a local tree vendor. I scattered them thru the living room and dining room. Here's a few of may favorite decorations, with greens, as well as some of my ornaments. I made the little nest with the birds-

Your Dark Days Challenge?
Please feel free to post your recipes, and ideas here! I'll be doing another meal after next week.

Snow's coming, yeah!!!


Susan said...

I, too, have moved toward simplicity. I am focusing on time spent with my parents, who are getting up there, as what is meaningful during this holiday season. I continue on my Dark Days Challenge - made a frittata with my potatoes (some of the last ones, darn it), my eggs, my cheese, my dried herbs and had a kale salad with local kale, purchased dried cranberries and walnuts, with a dressing of lemon juice (mine) and O/O (not). Wishing you and your family a very happy holiday and a wonderful year to come!

Candy C. said...

Happy Yule to you guys Nancy!! :) How fun to get to attend a Winter Solstice celebration!
I love all your decorations and you KNOW how I feel about your Yule Goat!! I agree that simplicity seems to come with age and wisdom. It's no longer necessary to keep up with the Jonses'. Who really cares anyway! LOL!!

Unknown said...

Thanks! I need to make a fritatta too! And I love my Julbok (goat) too, cute straw goodies they make up north...