Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Oct 4, 2012

1st Freeze, Fall Colors, Charlotte- Claim Your Prize!

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1st Freeze-
We finally had our first freeze warning last night, more to come tonite. We woke up to 36 degrees this morning after a cold front blew thru. I actually wore a flannel shirt to my inservice today! I was hoping we would have a few more weeks for the tomatoes/peppers to ripen. I didn't want to risk losing them, so I picked them all. I covered the basil, to see if I can wait til the weekend to make the last pesto for the freezer.

Mostly ripe

These will slowly ripen inside on the counter under the lights

Fall Colors-
With the weather starting to finally cool off (65 today) I start thinking about winterizing the house- closing the foundation vents, we'll deep clean the coop this weekend and put back up the "sun room" for the girls. I also re-do some things around the house- wash the heavy comforter at the laundry, put out heavier sheets. A couple of days ago I put away my summery decor things and broke out my fall stuff. I swapped my summer flowers, for instance, with some fall goodies on my kitchen counter, just a little taste-

I'll probably buy some small pumpkins this weekend and get those out. Luckily I'm off tomorrow on a "furlough day" from work, so I can get a head start....

 Charlotte- Claim Your Prize!-
Charlotte of My Moody Farm won the Blogversary, please contact me with a shipping address. If I don't hear from you by Monday the 8th, I'll pass it on to another contestant. Sorry, gotta get the box sent off....


Charlotte Boord said...

I'm sorry, I've tried to 'contact' you, but I had problems with the link. My address is 631 Olney Drive, San Antonio, TX 78209. I'm really excited to have won this. Thank you so much.

Charlotte Boord

Rose Prairie Quilts and Farm said...

Oh my a freeze already. Is that average time for you? They are predicting a frost for us on Sun morn. I too better get busy buttoning down the hatches. Love all the veggies you picked. I think we'll have a few more weeks after Sun to grow. Just need to cover one night right now. I love fall, don't you?

Michelle said...

We are starting to finally cool off. We will be in the high 70's next week, but for us it's a start. We are getting into the low 50's at night. So I will be planting my fall garden next week. I can't wait. Your fall decor looks awesome.

Unknown said...

Thanks Charlotte and I'll see if I can fix that link.

We usually have a freeze sometime mid-late Oct., it varies...

Candy C. said...

Wow, a freeze after your hot, hot summer! Last night was the first time we got down into the 50s in months.

Unknown said...

Yes, what a relief and nice outside weather for yard work!