Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Jun 25, 2012

Are Some of Us Fruitcakes? Recycled Screen Project, Odds & Ends

Are Some of Us/Homesteaders Viewed as Fruitcakes?-
I was thinking the other day about how out-of-step some of us are, compared to modern, "mainstream" society, when it comes to living a different kind of life. A more thoughtful life. Some people might think we're a little off upstairs. There are things I do, for instance, that come automatically- turn off the lights when I leave a room, recycle, think of ways to produce and store more foods, look at someones garbage pile :)  Here's a classic example- we were driving past a recycling center this week when I asked Dave to pull a U turn and go back. I told him there was a metal plant stand sticking out of the metal bin. Dave went back, and I got out. It was rusted beyond a simple fix up (I don't weld) so I passed. Now some people might thinks that just low class, low brow weird behavior. Some might think "whatever", others "that's stealing". Well, technically....
Well anyway, watch the Jimmy Buffett video for a good laugh. I might be viewed as weird by some, and I like it that way :) 

Recycled Screen Project/Cabinet-
This spring I bought an old, vintage screen at a flea market, for $3.00-

I knew I could do something with this. I finally settled on asking Dave to build a cedar, "culled" wood cabinet of sorts, for our deck. It would add more storage, and get rid of our ugly white plastic shelf  (left over from the first pantry closet attempt)-

 I thought we could put our various barbecue and gardening stuff in it. It would age nicely, with the cedar top and sides. I asked Dave to leave the back open since it's up against the house, but he had to stabilize it. Since the wood was "culled", misshapen, split, etc., it was only about $5.00. Pretty cheap! For this kind of project I just wanted to keep the price down and be creative. This gave me the idea for the "box" Pallet Cabinet  Our cedar box became the body-

I love the old chippy paint! I'll add a knob soon. Total project cost: about $8.00!!!


               002 - Copy
                                            Head Board House Number

Odds and Ends-
I thought this was a great idea! Now if I just had a rural place to stick it!

Patriotic Decor
Barn Wood Flag, how cute! Allthingsthrifty   And by the same person, see the advent calendar below-


Barn Wood Advent Calendar What a great idea! I wish I'd seen this when my kids were still at home, I'd have made one! I might do a mini-version....

My little .49 cent wire hanger I found thrifting was perfect to display some of my new, vintage kitchen goodies-

In a small kitchen it can be hard to display things and not look cluttered!


Jane @ Hard Work Homestead said...

LOVE that cabinet. It looks like a pie safe. So cool.

Candy C. said...

I had the same thought as Jane! :)
The barn wood flag is wonderful, very primitive!
I think sometimes how far away from mainstream America we are but I don't really care. At least our lives are REAL and deal with REAL issues, like food production, caring for the animals, etc. I could never go back to my old lifestyle.

Candy C. said...

P.S. Yes, there is hot sauce in the gazpacho! PW uses Tabasco but I used Cholula because that is what we have on hand! :)

Unknown said...

I love tabasco in that kind of thing!!!

Jane said...

I love these before and afters! It's just amazing what things can be turned into.

Unknown said...

Thanks, the older I get the more I can "see" what something has potential for...