Life on a little urban homestead in the making, with ideas for self-sufficiency, Permaculture, DIYing, organic gardening, food preservation, Chicken keeping, cookery, crafts, thrifting and more...

Aug 6, 2011

Little Visitor Today, Yardwork, Animals as Teachers...

I had a little visitor today. It flew into the sliding glass door going out to our deck. I left it alone for a few minutes, but I was afraid the chickens, or a local cat, might go after it. So, I picked it up. We had quite a conversation! It stayed on my fingers for several minutes, very calm and curious. It must be a "local", since we have feeders and waterers out, thinks I'm ok! Then it flew away a minute after Dave took the pics-

That was after Dave and I cleaned up the front yard big time (in 90 degree heat)- did some weeding, pruning, deadheading, removed some old spent sections of  plants, and then- td da, put down new barkdust! Really needed it after 3 or 4 years. Looks great, keeps the moisture in, and keeps em happy during the winter!

Here's Ellie, who decided- if you can't jump over a temporary fence, perch on it! Ha!

I was trying to keep her out of the little side yard, since I thought she might get thru the front gate to the street. So much for that idea! Plus she's finally growing! Time to take the "fence" down...

And Ellie perching on top of one of the solar lights, fits her bottom well, I guess... she ate all my basil in the pot next to her, naughty girl!!! If I ate her, would she taste like pesto? Just kidding, she's my baby!

Samantha cooling off in the tub, also her "cave" during thunderstorms! She knows what feels good!

Sam in her most favorite summer spot: in front of the sliding glass doors looking out on the backyard, by the A/C/ vent, and fan (only one vent in the kitchen) and her water bowl

Sam said "stop taking my picture!" and stuck her tongue out at me

It's HOT, I'm done for now, but I have to pick some of the first BLACKBERRIES getting ripe-

Today's harvest, a couple of cups of (all organic) berries and some tiny tomatoes! The bigger tomatoes are green, but should be ready soon with the heat, and all the watering we're doing. We have lots of herbs, squash blossoms, lots of chilies and asian eggplants... someday when I have more room, watch out!

Apple and nectarine trees are LOADED. I'm ready to CAN. Will post pics of my first attempts. I may do some pickles while I'm waiting for the big stuff to ripen. Local stores have lots of pickling cukes, just can't decide if it's worth the effort, since not too many folks in our family eat them. But the kids might like them, we'll see...


Stephanie said...

Samantha is so cute! tell her that for me:)

Unknown said...

I did, she said "thanks, you too!"