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Mar 17, 2022

Preparedness 21.0, Crazy Spring Weather, Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Photo from Wheat Rises to14 Year High

Preparedness 21.0/ Wheat Shortages-
If you've been watching the news you may have started seeing some pretty major shortages of wheat (and other grains) coming up. Fertilizer for farmers too. If you stop to think about how many products are made of wheat it gets pretty mind-boggling. It's not just bread/baked goods but things like pasta, cooking grains, etc. I decided to buy some extra wheat berries while the price was still pretty low and I encourage you to do the same. Manual grinders are not that expensive to grind your own flour and you can also grind other grains.  I should add that you can also freeze flour, if you see a good deal (and have freezer space) put in a well sealed plastic bag to keep the moisture out. You can use a vacuum sealer bags too and freeze for longer storage. I think right getting more prepared is really really urgent. I don't want to be gloom and doom, but the flip side is I don't want to be just another blog about arts & crafts saying how wonderful things are. I have some co-workers who were really concerned about being able to afford gas to get to their jobs. There's also massive droughts, predictions of more on the horizon and the climate issues will affect this as well. There are so many pieces of this puzzle that I've lost a little bit of sleep over it, but I'm getting past that now. Just do whatever you can NOW, buy extra canned goods, fuel, water filters and plant some food that you can eat. And don't let other people dissuade you from doing this because they will be the ones asking you later for help. Stand firm. Read this-  UN Says Food Prices Jump to Hit Record High in Feb  Walmart has recently put limits on how may items you can buy, with the registers stopping when you check out. I really think it's good to get news from various sources, and expand your knowledge base. 
My Nebraska grandparents and family during the depression

I think about what my grandparents in the depression, how they survived in a rural area being pretty self-sufficient, but also community sufficient. It does rather boggle the mind that a couple of generations from the 1930's that there are people who think that cooking is sticking something in a microwave. The good news on the flip side was the whole movement of people who started baking bread during lockdowns. People also planted gardens and tried things, hopefully that will not fade. I hope everyone is doing well out there and situated. Things going on here, and in other parts of the world, maybe much worse than being portrayed. Time will tell. 

Crazy Spring Weather-
We've gone from the twenties to the sixties and back again, sometimes I feel like I have whiplash! But the great news is the grass is starting to green up, flowers have come up, like our crocuses. Nice to have some days where it's actually warmer and we can open the windows! We had some much-needed rain with more on the way this weekend. Truly great in the high desert to get any kind of rain especially in the springtime, help sings green up.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
We celebrated early, as I love corned beef and veggies! I wasn't going to buy any beef, then found a great deal on corned beef at Costco. I simmered it for hours and made an apple pie for dessert-

cabbage and carrotts

The apples came from our tree last fall, just thawed. I made a "Stephenson's Kansas City " apple pie, just add the juice of one orange and 1 tsp. lemon zest to a standard recipe, delish! 

Trader Joe's also has amazing Irish Soda bread this time of year. Has raisins, buttermilk and caraway seeds. I bought a couple extra loaves to freeze. It tender and most, great for a snack and you can toast as well. 

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