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Oct 28, 2017

Google Friends Widget Down

Google Friends Widget Down-
If you're trying to follow my blog the "Google Friends" widget is down on my end. It's system wide affecting all bloggers here. Google is working to fix it. It may work on your end if you're a new follower? If not try Bloglovin' or just bookmark and try again later. Thanks!!!


  1. The regular followers gadget (without Google +) is down too, I'm getting the same error. It's been a few days like that!

  2. And every time it's down, when it comes back they've always somehow managed to delete followers!

  3. Wow I was hoping you were back apparently not. I have never had that happen in all my blogging years. There now I have jinxed myself. Hope to "see" you soon.

  4. Yes, they're working on it supposedly!


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