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Sep 4, 2015

A Taste Of Autumn/Winter

A Taste Of Autumn/Winter-
After fall-like storms coming into the N.W. we seemed to have a bit here too! A winter weather advisory for the mountains, with a lot of people camping on Labor Day weekend, could be interesting. Some people don't check the weather first :( It's dropped down 20 degrees tonite and it's raining lightly. Yes! I picked a big bowl of tomatoes this evening ahead of the storm, and found my first lemon cukes! Yeah!!! I love them , with their thin skins, little seeds, and great flavor-

So this may be a taste of the Godzilla El Nino! Off to bed with an extra blanket :) This weekend I'll be finishing canning/freezing the last of our apples!


  1. Those lemon cucumbers are good.
    I'm ready for fall. How about you?

  2. Yes! I had my 1st starbuck's hot chocolate of the fall yesterday :)

  3. It is the beginning of spring here, although it is cold and rainy here too! Lemon cucumbers are great - so are apple ones. Love all the tomatoes.

  4. When you're done with that breath of fall air, send it our way. Okay?

    I do love the lemon cukes, too. I can sit and eat them like an apple. 'Course, our slicing cukes have been so flavorful this year that we're almost eating them like that, too! Ain't good food from the garden great?


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