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Sep 16, 2014

My Little Sweetie's Gone

My Little Sweetie's Gone-
I lost my last older hen yesterday, Ellie. She was such a friendly, sweet and curious girl. Egg layer supreme, loved to be held and we'd visit. She had become sick a few months back, bounced back, but and then really went down on Sat. I brought her in Sunday, treated her, and she was gone yesterday afternoon. I had steeled myself for it. With a small flock you really get to know the personalities of your girls. She was inside, comfortable and had eaten a bit, but she went...

My favorite picture, napping on my shoulder-

Just a little puff ball :)


  1. I'm sorry to hear this. When you have so few one does get a lot closer to them. I love all the pictures you have and they will be good memories. It's unfortunate that hens live such short lives cause they are neat pets.

  2. Oh Nancy, I am so sorry for your loss. Hugs.

  3. I'm so sorry, Nancy. They are such interesting birds - and we get so attached. Even though I have quite a few of them, there are a few that are very special to me. Hugs to you.

  4. Loss is never easy, I'm sorry for yours. She was beautiful. You have some great photos to remember her by.


  5. Thanks, I miss seeing her watching for me every day when I come home... sigh...


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