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Jul 5, 2014

752 Rescued Hens Feel Sunshine For The First Time

If you've never seen an ex-battery hen take her first steps on soil, or feel the sunshine on her face for the first time -- then this might be five of the most moving minutes you'll ever see.

Battery cages had not only prevented these hens from expressing normal and natural behaviours -- but they denied them of any quality of life.

Thanks to Edgar's Mission, they learned to live -- and love -- a life full of all the things that make it worth living. - From YouTube


  1. This makes me so sad. We just had seven little chicks hatch here. They are free to live and scratch and play. I can't imagine treating chickens any other way.

  2. That is sad. My chickens (and rooster)get so excited when the come see me let them out. We do have to lock them up nice and tight overnight here. But come mid-morning they are out and about. The first thing they do is head for dirt and give themselves dust baths.

  3. Yes, it's really appalling....

  4. So sad for the hens who never get to have this. We rescued a few hens from extremely crowded and dirty pens and gave them a free life on our farm. Wish I could help more hens like these. So sad some people do not see how cruel battery life is.


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