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Feb 17, 2014

Harness Driving Goats and Dogs with Carts

Harness Driving Goats and Dogs with Carts-
When I ran across the book above today Halter Goats Book  it reminded me of the photos I saw as a kid, with dogs pulling carts in the Netherlands, and also other rural areas. There's also Zonkers!

Cool stuff for sale here, photo from

And then there's Skijoring!
From Great shelter dog program there!

Think of the things you could do with 4 legged friends and some training!


  1. The Belgian Army army used those dogs you call Neufies to pull Maxim Machine guns on little carts in WW1.

    I've seen the pictures but never knew what breed it was.

  2. Newfoundland dogs are huge, but great dogs. I wouldn't want the feed bill though!

  3. Great pictures and I loved the video of Zonkers. He did pretty good for his first time pulling a cart! We actually thought about training a couple of our wethers to pull a cart in the past but it was easier (and cheaper) to just sell them as weanlings.

  4. Neat. We have one lady not far who has harness goats.

  5. Cool! I think it's a great idea! Make them earn their feed :)

  6. Oh man could I use the hep with pulling my buggy. I have a young male anatilian1/4 and 3/4 great pyr.
    He's our faithful Solly! Protects us and the animals, I'm sure he won't mind lending a paw. :)


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