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Jan 25, 2012

Big Dietary Changes & Shopping In My Closet

Big Dietary News- My big change recently has been I'm losing weight! I am down about 15 lbs. from December. I'm proud of my self for making this change for the right reasons- my health. I saw a nutritionist who was great- nothing to sell, just "what do you want?" I am eating primarily whole foods, no "diet" anything, smaller portions, and following my own eating plan.

Years ago I did Weight Watchers, and I hated the meetings- people who had gained back all their weight and drank a gallon of diet soda there. Ew, not inspiring to me. I tried another complicated, expensive eating plan three years ago over the summer. I lost weight, but couldn't keep up the meals after going back to work. In my experience extreme "diets" don't work. Extreme working out binges don't work either. I eat what I want, and use this to track it-  I don't have to guess what I'm eating, and I can add specific foods to the database if I want to. I'm down almost another size or two (I was between sizes). I was finally ready to treat my body better, and I'll add exercise soon. My bike is calling my name, once it warms up a bit and drys out!

My energy is up, and I feel better. My allergist said yesterday "your skin looks amazing!", three times! Giving up the dairy did it for me. It took a good week or two to lose some craving, but now I'm past it. Almond milk works fine. I'm also trying some (not all) of the concepts of the-
Primal Blueprint eating ideas- 
I have the book on hold at the local library, but I see the whole grain problem. I'm still eating some, but about 50%-75% less. Good article here on his-
Top 6 Anti-Inflammatory Foods- 6 Foods
If you have arthritis, asthma, etc., it's an interesting read.

Shopping in My Closet-  What's really been great has been shopping in my closet! I had clothing I had bought when I lost weight three years ago this summer. I can wear some of the clothes now! It's awesome! I also got rid of some of the bigger clothes last weekend. I also bought a like new Land's End squall parka at a thrift store for $10.00 three weeks ago. I could barely get it zipped up (2 sizes smaller). I can get it zipped now, but it's snug. Another few weeks and I think I'll be able to pull in the drawstring waist! Oh boy! I have some other clothes I bought a size below where I was three years ago, that will be great too!



  1. You go girl!! Isn't it fun to be able to wear some of the clothes that haven't fit in awhile?!? :)

  2. Yes, and I'm getting more energy!

  3. I felt like I had more energy when I got off processed foods too. And now that I'm starting to exercise I have even more energy. Think of all the things you can do when you have more energy and feel better......losing weight is just a bonus!


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