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Jul 15, 2014

Free "101 Things To Do ’til The Revolution" eBook/PDF, Goodnight Moon Parody

Free 101 Things To Do ’til The Revolution eBook/PDF-
I stumbled on this book and some of it could  be quite useful... 101 Things To Do til the Revolution by Claire Wolfe

Goodnight Moon Parody-
I like this!

Goodnight stars. Goodnight moon. Goodnight spooks on iChat, peeking into my room. 
Goodnight PRISM. Goodnight cell. Goodnight Verizon. Goodnight, Orwell. - 
Radley Balko, Facebook


  1. I tell you, I regret that I never really pushed harder for Hubby to not buy the girls ipods for their birthdays. They have taken over their summer, and have gotten lazy and mouthy. Today, I plan to limit a 2 hour time on each of them.

  2. Yes, tech can be addicting. I think it developed so fast that no one thought about a structure to use it... and not overuse it...


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